Saturday, July 12, 2008

I learned a new word today.

While reading the Boston Metro today, I came across this word:
cal·li·pyg·i·an (kăl'ə-pĭj'ē-ən) pronunciation also cal·li·py·gous (-pī'gəs) adj.

Having beautifully proportioned buttocks.

[From Greek kallipugos : kalli-, beautiful (from kallos, beauty) + pugē, buttocks.]


Tuesday, July 8, 2008

tunes: mkf

i have my reservations about posting my songs. but why not? i realize it might be a little weird to listen to my songs like i would any other band i fancied – almost as if i were being conceited. it used to be an issue when i wasn't used to hearing my voice, but i'd listen to it objectively, try to improve the sound, and i eventually got comfortable with it. i actually quite like it now.

about song writing, i really like to keep it simple. it's super hard to write lyrics for me when i'm not inspired by anything. i had a dry spell for about 1.5 years, which is a really long time. also, they tend to coincide with some frustration with my love life, hahah – so they're all pretty much true stories! the words start out sad, or just the theme in general, but the melody is characteristically happy and "cute." i find that the two emotions merge successfully together in my songs and i like to think that that is what makes it so catchy to people. for instruments, i like to use whatever is around me.. nothing too fancy, and that also adds a humble, d.i.y. feel. i've slapped my belly on one of the recordings as percussion. thankfully, 10 years of piano has helped me a lot in song making. oh! and music tech 1! hahah

someone was really excited about my songs and asked me about my process, as if he could learn something from me.. and i really don't have a real process like i do for designing something. honestly, it starts off with something that comes from above and from within, as horribly cheesy as it sounds. but i think that's what makes it art.

again, my intention was not to toot my own horn, if it actually came across as that. feel free to let me know! haha. i just thought i'd emphasize that one last time.


Monday, July 7, 2008

blog amendments

the first week of this blog is over, and we've come to realize a few things about our little schedule that makes it somewhat difficult to post. so, we've made a couple of changes to the sched. check it out:

sunday sketches (formerly storyboard sunday)
post anything drawn, traditional or digital
monday motion
tuesday tunes (formerly toupee tuesday)
share what you're listening to currently or post about some rad cover art or show poster you found.
wednesday website
thursday thoughts (formerly thumbnail thursday)
rant about art/design/animation -- what you love, what you hate.
friday fotos
saturday smart

we'll see how it turns out this week!
thanks for reading :D it's a learning experience for everyone hooray


OK, honestly. You didn't think I'd let another Motion/Movie/Mograph Monday slip by without posting about Wall-E, did you?

Fear not, I won't give away the story, but since I will be talking about the end credits, so I'm bound to piss someone off with spoilers. SO STOP READING IF YOU DON'T WANNA BE SPOILED.

The ending credits of the movie show humans rebuilding their civilization after realizing they've been lazy, fat, and out of touch with life for 700 years. What I found most entertaining about these end credits was how Pixar chose to present this epilogue. It showed the re-evolution of mankind through the evolution of art: cave drawings, hieroglyphics, Greco-Roman art, Impressionist paintings, finally culminating in glorious 8-bit pixel art (thus laying the foundations for 3D art). Too bad I don't have a YouTube link to post. If you really are reading this, you've either already seen it (so I don't need to repost the ending), or ignored my spoiler warning altogether (in which case you should be watching the movie anyway!).

I also came across this article about the movie in general, and thought it was a really well-written analysis.
"Wall-E" contends that real life is hard, real life is struggle, and that we live most meaningfully not by avoiding pain and struggle, but by engaging it creatively, and sharing that struggle in community.
Also in hindsight, I'm kinda upset now that I didn't pick up any Wall-E promo postcards from last year's Comic Con.