Friday, August 22, 2008

Laundry Day

This is a student animation project made by Guillaume Chartier from Sheridan College. The synopsis is that a guy's girlfriend finds something incriminating in his pants pocket while doing his laundry...and the genuinely unexpected plot twist that ensues.

I honestly can't stop laughing.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

more weird japanese stuff

first adorable. then funny. then super strange.


shared by ish.
everyone: thank you, ish!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Japanese Portrayal of Chinese Horse

Doesn't this horse have crazy hair? ....That is all.

website: alex ostrowski

alex ostrowski is cute.
he has a lot of good ideas.
i'd like to be his friend

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

irrational fear of scary japanese school girls

i found this while clicking around; i thought the title was funny. they are all cg images of macabre japanese school girls -- totally disturbing. this is probably NSFW, haha, but whatev. i figured it's worth sharing.

images on
original source (in japanese)

suburban kids with biblical names

these nerds are on repeat.
they sound like magnetic fields + jens lekman. it's music i would i like to write.

there is something fascinating about those subtly subtle pans. i like.
it's also worth it to listen to these:
loop duplicate my heart (uber nerd song)
trees and squirrels
seems to be on my mind

(time to eat taro ice cream!)

Monday, August 18, 2008

beangrowers - not in a million lovers

this video is kinda like the dude that took a picture of himself for like.. 20 years or whatever and buck's want2bsquare piece. but i think it uses the technique in a really smart way to get the song's point across. it lies in their design decision to simulate real photos from different times and places.. and men. i especially like the lip syncing.

What does this have to do with airliners?

A friend shared some United Airlines commercials with me today that I thought I'd share with you guys. I'm sure you've seen some if not all of them by now, but I thought it would be nice to have a couple of them collected in one spot. They don't necessarily say anything about their company so much as the experience of traveling or the enjoyment of flying. Still cool stuff.

Here are links to some more:
the meeting
two worlds

sea orchestra


I'm sure I missed some, but a quick search online will bring 'em up.