I'm insanely jealous of the people that work at
Three Rings Design, a video game company located in San Francisco. Of course, if you work in an office with that architecture, you
deserve to be envied. Who
wouldn't want to have a giant tentacle squid couch sitting in the middle of their game room?
BecauseWeCan (Oakland, CA) is an architectural studio that designs office furniture and work environments. Unlike other firms, they actually build the stuff they create (rather than hiring contractors to build for them), hence lowering costs, but providing the highest quality design and materials for their clients. Plus, they come up with creative, affordable solutions to what would otherwise be an expensive problem (see lighting).

What they've done for Three Rings is pure genius and beauty. They've converted an entirely blank, boring, square office space into something teeming with life and three-dimensionality (hell, let's thrown in an extra five-dimensions because it's
that freakin' awesome). The office has a style and personality all its own, and it's quite obvious that it was a mutual labor of love from both the clients and the contractors.
Links to photos of their work in progress:
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Finished Product //
FlickrCreative Design/Hacking + Cost-Effectiveness + Eco-friendly = SMART.
Also, that
squirrelly Tree Stump coffee table is too cute for words.